Three Harvey Mudd 学生 奖ed ServiceNow Scholarships 


三名太阳2平台学生- brayden Mendoza ' 26(计算机科学), Madeline Seifert ' 26(计算机科学)和Ket Hollingsworth ' 25(计算机科学)是2023-2024年ServiceNow奖学金的获得者. As they navigate the College’s rigorous academic programs, the students are finding time for research, 体育, music and community engagement activities.

Mendoza is a gold medal recipient of The Congressional 奖, 这是国会授予杰出社区服务和个人成就的青年的最高荣誉, 西班牙奖学金基金太阳2平台和总统志愿服务奖金奖获得者. Seifert是Harvey Mudd的艺术y Fartsy俱乐部的创始人和联合主席, 她是一名同伴健康教育工作者,也是克莱蒙特-马德-斯克里普斯田径队的一名运动员. Hollingsworth参加了2023 USC本科生研究经历研讨会,并在探索CS的各种研究课题的同时展示了他的夏季研究成果.

The ServiceNow Scholarship was established at Harvey Mudd in Dec. 2021. Headquartered in Santa Clara, ServiceNow为IT服务和运营管理提供全球解决方案, employee and customer experiences and more, through one platform. Harvey Mudd与ServiceNow的关系从公司设立奖学金到学院的诊所项目.

ServiceNow has been a 计算机科学 诊所 sponsor at Harvey Mudd. In the company’s most recent 诊所 project, “捕捉不小心的代码:(任意)数据查询的静态分析”(2021-2022), ServiceNow寻求Harvey Mudd学生的帮助,以减少客户端编写的应用程序中低效的数据库查询部署的数量. 其他servicenow赞助的诊所项目包括“自动化和评估数据匿名化”(2020-2021), “压缩时间序列数据的高效索引”(2019-2020)和“优化时间序列数据压缩”(2018-2019).

Mendoza ' 26, Seifert ' 26和Hollingsworth ' 25奖学金获得者 

What are you interested in pursuing, academically and professionally, during your time at Harvey Mudd and beyond?

门多萨:我的人生目标是产生有意义的影响,为人类的进步做出贡献. 我相信人类的下一个技术飞跃将是通过理解量子物理学的应用, particularly within computers, and I aspire to make significant contributions to this development. 在与几位教授交谈后,我了解到这个新兴领域是非常跨学科的. By getting a degree from Harvey Mudd in CS, 其中包括各种STEM选修课程和量子信息课程, mechanics and microprocessor-based systems, I hope to not only learn more about my interests—which, by taking a variety of Core classes, 已经扩展到包括电路和电气工程,并成为一个跨学科的太阳2平台, but to also pursue a graduate degree program in quantum information.

Seifert: I’m interested in the field of computer science, specifically in program development and cybersecurity. 我喜欢创造和编写程序,我希望在未来继续这样做. I’ve also enjoyed learning about physics through my Core courses. After graduation, I’d like to work in the computer science industry. 我对网络安全、后端开发或与电子游戏相关的东西感兴趣. 我还不确定我想做什么,因为我对计算机科学的许多主题都感兴趣, 但我知道我想要一份可以发挥创造力和开发产品的工作. 最终, 我想逐步晋升到领导的角色,比如项目经理或其他相关的职位,这样我可以承担更多的责任.

Hollingsworth:自从Harvey Mudd的MuddSub俱乐部第一次将我引入这个领域以来,我就对机器人/嵌入式系统领域产生了兴趣, 为每年的机器人潜艇竞赛设计自动水下航行器的公司. 和这样一支才华横溢的球队一起工作是不可思议的两年, and I look forward to leading as club president in the coming year! 我还与Arthi Padmanabhan教授一起加入了一个实验室,在那里我们试图在能源限制下优化机器学习边缘设备. 这个项目同样非常接近硬件和软件的边缘,这是一个我觉得非常有趣的领域! 在未来, 我正在考虑攻读计算机工程硕士学位,但是, if I find the right job, I may go straight into industry. I am excited to explore what’s left of my journey here at Harvey Mudd, and I’m going to make the most of it.

How has receiving the ServiceNow Scholarship impacted in your life?

门多萨:ServiceNow奖学金让我和我的家人更能负担得起学费. It’s become progressively more expensive to acquire a college degree, and Harvey Mudd is known for its high tuition. 所以,参加Mudd给我们带来了经济压力也就不足为奇了. 然而, 这个奖学金, along with other need-based financial aid the College provides, 使我更有可能进入这所优秀的大学,这样我就可以得到我所能要求的最好的教育.

Seifert:奖学金让我有机会在Harvey Mudd继续我的教育,而不必担心我的学费和其他费用的经济负担. As a first-generation college student, I’ve faced challenges navigating loans and other financial aid, so I’m very grateful to receive support. Because of the ServiceNow Scholarship, 我可以把更多的精力放在学习和课外活动上,而不是财务问题上.

霍林沃斯:ServiceNow奖学金让我得以留在太阳2平台. 如果我没有这种支持,我将无法自己支付大学的费用. I come from a low-income background, 大学的费用是我妈妈最担心的事情之一. 然而, because of scholarships like this, 我能够有机会进入这个国家最昂贵的机构之一,并追求我作为非法移民长大的母亲所没有的机会. I’m incredibly grateful for 这个奖学金, and I promise to make the most of the opportunity I have been given.